What's on offer
Running regular courses takes up a large part of my time. I always look forward to having more time to make and to learn new skills so I can share them with others. My other willowy activities slot in nicely and I'm always up for a challenge. Commissions are very welcome.
I am currently updating my website so if you can't find any specific information please contact me
Willow courses
Time spent working with natural and sustainable materials is good for the soul and the satisfaction of creating something of beauty that can be used on a daily basis is hard to beat!
I am based in Nunney near Frome but also run courses at other local venues regularly throughout the year.
For more info click here but be warned willow weaving can be highly addictive!!
Living willow
The season for living willow projects is January to April. Take a look at some projects I've done over the years with schools and in private settings. More info coming soon.
Schools & other educational establishments
I believe that in order for our children and young people to have a true awareness of the importance of preserving the planet they must connect with the natural world on many levels. For my part, this is possible through introducing children to the wonderful world of willow. Both sustainable and readily available locally, what a perfect opportunity to share this sentiment with your school. Both weaving and living willow projects available. More info coming soon.
I have had some wonderful opportunities to advance my sculpture skills and look forward to sharing these in the near future. It is a very different method of teaching as creating a sculpture is an intuitive process. More info coming soon.
Willow talk and demo
I've been giving my talk about all things willow with a demonstration of a plant support for a good few years now. I absolutely love sharing my knowledge of this wonderful tree that seems to be playing such a major role in my life! I love how the talk evolves each time as my journey progresses and I'm introduced to new information often from questions from my audience. From its botanical aspects to medicinal uses with a lot in between, I share many interesting facts, history and personal experiences.
A slideshow accompanies my talk. I also bring along some wares for people to see and these are all for sale. So if you are a member of a gardening club, WI or general group of people please do get in touch. It costs £60 plus travel if further than a 10 mile radius.
The pod
This has been so much fun to make and is installed at Tall Trees Kindergarten near Frome. These pods can be made in varying sizes and will all be unique in their own way as although a basic shape is encouraged, no two will be alike. More info coming soon.
Garden structures & fencing
Willow hurdles and plant supports add a real natural charm to any garden. Although the longevity of this craft is not so long, as with all organic materials in external conditions, they can be appreciated for the time they have. More info coming soon.
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